Tab Menu - Trace

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The Trace tab allows users to run a circuit trace on various mapping objects within the mapping window. This tab is automatically populated when a user double-clicks on an object in the mapping window. 


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The following is an example of what a user will see if a Sanitary Sewer Line is selected, or double-clicked on.



Starting with the user selected sanitary sewer ID listed above, a user can specify an upstream, or downstream, trace on a sewer line showing all catch basins, manholes, etc. in its path for a specified number of nodes.


Execute the trace. This may take a few seconds or more to finish. When the Busy State button turns off then the trace is done.

Undo current trace. See notes below.

View the extents of the trace. Many times the trace results will end outside of the current map view. Therefore, to see the whole trace the user will need to execute this function. Or, the user can perform a Zoom Out action located in the toolbar.


Important Notes


Depending on the layer selected the trace will affect the attributes of that layer. Therefore, as a general rule of thumb, it is suggested that an Undo be applied before the user performs another mapping function such as pan, zoom out, find, etc.


The reason is that the number of objects will be dramatically less due to the trace. The user may forget this fact as the user manipulates the map and make incorrect assumptions based on the trace being turned on.


Also, if the user forgets to undo the trace and does not remember the object in which the trace was executed, the user may have no other choice to clear the trace other than reloading the original map layers.