Tab Menu - Filter

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The Filter tab allows users to apply a filter/query on various mapping objects within the mapping window.


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When the user clicks on the Filter tab the following drop-down will appear.



Select a layer to filter on by clicking on the drop down list. Depending on the layer selected above the user will see one or more input boxes to enter filter criteria.


After filling in desired filter criteria the user will see:




To apply the filter click once on the Apply button. 



To undo the filter and return the layer display in the mapping window to its original display criteria click on the Undo button.




Depending on the layer selected the filter may affect the layer attributes of that layer. Therefore, as a general rule of thumb, it is suggested that an Undo be applied before the user performs another mapping function such as pan, zoom out, find, etc.


The reason is that the number of objects for the affected layer may be dramatically less due to the filter. The user may forget this fact as the user manipulates the map and make incorrect assumptions based on filtered data while viewing another area of the map.