Standard Print Options |
When you click the Print button you will see:
Title: To print a title at the top of the map, select the Title check box and type the title in the Title text box. You can enter multiple lines for the title by inserting "\n" where you want line breaks.
Legend: To print the legend with the map, select the Legend check box. If you chose to print the legend, note that the printed legend includes only visible layers. If the layer names are too long, they may be truncated.
Scale Bar: To print a bar showing the scale of the map, select the Scale Bar check box.
North Arrow: To print a North arrow on the map, select the North Arrow check box. If the map uses arbitrary XY coordinates, this option is cleared by default but is still available.
URL: The URL check box is NOT used by this application.
Date and Time: To include the current date and time in the footer of the printed map, select the Date And Time check box.
Specify Scale: Please see Print - Map Scale for more on this.
Fit to Page: To scale the map to fit the printed page, click Fit To Page. Most users choose this option.
When you click OK you will see your standard print dialogue window with your computer's list of printers. Select your printer and click OK.
Tip: For best results use Landscape for orientation.
Your output should look like this:
To see how the check box options affects which aspect of your output, click on the output image above. When done viewing the check boxes simply click the image again.
Tip: When printing aerial photos with vector lines included then it is best to check the box "Rasterize print job" in the print dialogue window. This may, or may not, make the vector lines more visible depending on your printer.